যোগাযোগ করো, তোমার পাশে আমরা।
যোগাযোগ করো, তোমার পাশে আমরা।
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কল করো

How to reduce networked advertising

By Atonu chandra saha in 21 Jun 2022 | 11:40 am
Atonu chandra saha

Atonu chandra saha

Loyal User
Forums Top User
Posts: 1
Member since: 21 Apr 2024

We hear over and over about the evil of networked advertising on mainland, about how it is the bane of mainlanders existence, about how it should be eliminated now and forever.

But how?

We hear that networked advertising is mainly a phenomenon of micro parcels, since what else can you do with 5 prims except stick a sign on it?

Its been suggested that parcels not be allowed to be cut smaller than a certain size, but that would cause a lot of unintended consequences.

Similarly, banning the sale of micro parcels would cause also undesirable consequences.

A forum resident suggested charging each micro parcel  the equivalent of a 512 sq m tier, which is both unworkable and unfair.

My suggesting is simple, clear and fair.

I propose that Linden Labs make a new rule banning construction on any parcel under  64 sq m

Parcels under that size would only be allowed to have natural elements rezzed on them such as trees, flowers, and rocks.

As soon as this rule change is implemented, all those 16 sq m networked advertising holdings would be rendered worthless, either for use or for sale at inflated prices.

Networked advertisers could divest themselves of their holdings by offering them for sale at reasonable prices to neighboring land owners, or just abandoning them

Lets face it, no one will pay hundreds of $Ls for a 16 sq m parcel just to put a rock or shrub on.

Under this new rule, networked advertising won't be eliminated since it would still be legal, but I think it will certainly be greatly reduced.

Implement this suggestion, and take a giant step to beautifying the mainland by largely eliminating the "scourge" of networked advertising once and for all.

Note to LL, if you do implement this rule, please publish it. Don't just sneakily change the TOS and say gotcha.

21 Jun 2022 | 11:40 am


Please describe about the report short and clearly.